luucid Podcast
A Kuwait-based podcast focusing on wellness and health, offering expert insights and practical strategies for a balanced life. Join us for expert insights on achieving optimal health, not just through better sleep but through holistic well-being. #luucidreams
23 episodes
Unlocking Better Sleep: The Sleep Health Coach
"Light is the most powerful lever you can leverage with in order to get the highest quality sleep possible. It communicates time from the outside to the inside of your body."Welcome back to the luucid podcast! In this episode, we are joi...
Episode 23

Nurturing Minds: The Child Therapy Specialist
"We want to differentiate between real action and reaction. Real action is intention and awareness. Reaction is impulsive, protectiveness, and ego." - Zaina Al ZabinWelcome back to the luucid podcast! Today, we're joined by
Episode 22

Beyond Symptoms: The Functional Nutritionist
"Medicine deals with the person once they're sick. Nutrition prevents them from getting sick." - Dr. Lemia ShabanIn this episode, we're diving deep with Dr. Lemia Shaban, a functio...
Episode 21

Health Beyond The Hospital: The Wellness Doctor
"Females have a very different body than males, and our exercise performance is affected by our hormones, and we can lift weights at certain times of the month better than other times, we can do cardio at certain times of the month ...
Episode 20

What The Function: The Movement Rehab Specialist
"One of the issues of modern society is hyperventilation, where we breathe in more oxygen than we need and that creates more of an anxious and reactive response." - Ameer Al DagherHello and welcome back to Broadband. We have...
Episode 19

All Things Media: The Journalist
"I'm a huge advocate of social media [journalism], but at the same time, I'm also a skeptic because there is a lot that you have to filter through to get to the actual hard fact truths."Our guide for today on this journey of communal ac...
Episode 18

All Things Media: The Radio Personality
"The best form of creativity is to take someone else's work and do it a bit differently. No one is a hundred percent original."Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is
Episode 17

All Things Media: The Creative Firm Director
"There is a bigger opportunity to reach more people based on a mindset, a belief system, or a purpose versus a demographic."Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is
Episode 16

Farm To Table: The Restaurant Consultant
"We come from a culture where failure is the enemy. We rather give it a half a try than try and fail."Our guide for today is Noor Al Obaid an entrepreneur, a food and beverage consu...
Episode 15

Farm To Table: The Chef
"There's a fine line between wanting to become a chef for social media or wanting to become a chef for yourself."Our guide for today is Chef Faisal Al Nashmi the creative mind behind Str...
Episode 14

Farm To Table: The Farmer
"Vegetables get jetlagged the same way we get jetlagged when we travel. Let's cut the whole process and start growing locally"Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is
Episode 13

Feminism: The Entrepreneur
"I think you can't be what you can't see. So I need to look up to and hear the stories of women who are killing it in STEM, that look like me, that speak like me, for me to think that it's possible for me."Our guide for today on this jo...
Episode 12

Feminism: The Journalist
"There are various forms of harassment but they have all morphed into this one understanding of harassment. And so sexual harassment is kind of normalized because we do not differentiate between all the different types of harassments."
Episode 11

Feminism: The Professor
"You have these patriarchal Arab or Muslim men telling you to cover. You then have these Western Men telling you to uncover. Did they ever ask us what we want?"Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is
Episode 10

Innovation: The Social Entrepreneur
"Social businesses can definitely compete with normal businesses. We have seen that with Tom's shoes where they have been able to compete on a global scale as a social business."Our guide for today on the journey of communal actualizati...
Episode 9

Innovation: The Institute
"To achieve great things, you need to be brave and pay attention to details, very small details. This is something that I learned the hard way from NASA." Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is
Episode 8

Innovation: The Consultant
"Innovative ideas are found, they are not thought up. You're not sitting in a glass room, trying to think up an innovative idea. The innovative idea comes as you're talking to someone noticing patterns or looking at how people behave or how peo...
Episode 7

Art: The Writer
"Humanity as a whole is successful because of the community and our desire to contribute, like build a story that we can share with others or make art that a bunch of people can appreciate."Our guide for today on this journey of communa...
Episode 6

Art: The Visual Artist
"When it comes down to the future or contemporary art in Kuwait, I think it's bubbling. I think it's morphing. I think it's currently being challenged by a lot of artists, and it gives me great pleasure to see that because it trains the human e...
Episode 5

Art: The Musician
"One of my biggest struggles is the relationship between myself as an artist and money. It's just the way we're brought up and is so common in the media, is that your financial worth is directly correlated to your value as a person."Our...
Episode 4

Fitness: The Movement Therapist
Our guide for today on this journey of communal actualization is Saad Choeiter, a doctor of osteopathic medicine and a movement therapist, that prefers to use his hands rather than a scalpe...
Episode 3